Cats Vs. Dogs: Which Pet Should You Choose? - Wagr Petcare

    Cats Vs. Dogs: Which Pet Should You Choose?

    Ritu wants to become a pet parent. After seeing the joy that all her friends were experiencing with their pets, she’s excited to bring in a new member to her family.

    But she’s not sure if she should go for a cat or a dog. So, she asked her friends for advice. “Cats are aloof and don’t show love,” said her friend, Sheela. “Dogs are noisy and need to be trained more. Cats are better”, said Rehan. And a heated “cats vs dogs” debate began, leaving Ritu more confused than before.

    Facing the same dilemma as Ritu?

    Cats are quirky, independent creatures, while dogs are loyal and require constant attention.

    Both have some great qualities and downsides, and we’ll delve into them in this article so you can decide which companion you’d like to have for the rest of your life!

    Cats: independent, intelligent, quirky and the best reading companions


    Contrary to popular belief, cats aren’t aloof creatures who remember their humans only when they need food. Instead, cat owners will tell you that their pets show love on their terms and are very subtle in their gestures.
    Although cats aren’t as vocal and obvious as dogs when showcasing their love, they too know when their owners feel blue. Some cats will perch themselves on their chest to show that they care while some will purr and snuggle up to you.
    If you prefer occasional but deeply fulfilling gestures of love, a cat may be your preferred companion. Here are other reasons you should consider having a cat:
    • There’s no better feeling than having a cat sit on your lap and purr as you read quietly. Cats usually purr when they feel threatened, but they also do it when they feel blissful.

    • They’re self-sufficient. If you’re working a job that keeps you away from home most of the day, a cat is the best choice as it doesn’t need constant attention.

    • They’re easy to potty train. Cats don’t need excess training as they have an innate need to bury their waste to protect the scent from other animals. And this trait naturally draws them to a cat litter box.

    • Cats don’t need to be taken on walks all the time, and they can entertain themselves with cat toys or a cat tree.

    • Most landlords don’t mind cats as they don’t cause a ruckus.

    In short, cats can be your best companion if you want a low-maintenance pet. But this doesn’t mean that they don’t need attention at all. Cats have to be intellectually stimulated, so they need toys and puzzles to keep them occupied.
    Of course, cats are not perfect. There are a few downsides to owning a cat:
    • You and your furniture will have scratches.

    • It is common for cats to vomit and your carpets will never be completely clean.

    • You will be woken up in the middle of the night as your cat suddenly comes to curl up with you.

    Dogs: Loyal, joyful, and the best exercise buddy

    Dogs love you to the moon and back and are the happiest when they’re licking their owner’s faces.
    They don’t hold back their affection and want nothing more than playtime with their humans. If this expression of love makes you happy, here are other reasons to get a dog
    • They make your day instantly better and love you vocally and unconditionally.

    • You’ll have a best friend and guardian for life as they’ll be your personal alarm system.

    • If you’re not motivated to take up any physical activity, your dog will ensure your fitness by asking you to take it on walks.

    • Want a GIANT hug when you get home? Get a dog!

    Dogs are generally loved, and many people choose to instinctively get a dog. However, there are a few downsides to owning them:
    • They need constant attention and having them is equivalent to having a child. You might have to find a pet-sitter if you work long hours.

    • Dogs are highly trainable, but you must get comfortable with the fact that they’ll poop all over your house during the first few weeks.

    • Dog maintenance can be expensive

    • It’s not easy to be spontaneous as leaving your dog alone for days together can have adverse effects on them

    Cats are great reading companions and are the human equivalent of introverts, while dogs are the extroverts of the pet kingdom.

    So, which pet should you choose?

    If you want an independent, subtle, and intelligent pet, a cat is your best choice. But if you want a pet that showers you with love all day, get a dog. Or why not get the best of both worlds?!
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