7 Natural Home Remedies for Itchy Dogs - Wagr Petcare

    7 Natural Home Remedies for Itchy Dogs

    Are you constantly being awakened at night due to the sound of constant itching and scratching? It can drive you nuts, but your doggo must be feeling ten times worse. 

    Fleas, mites, injuries, allergies, and yeast infections are the major cause of your furry friend scratching all the time. It is always recommended to call your vet the minute you notice anything different with your dogs, but if the scratching is not severe, then you can try out these vet-approved home remedies. 

    home remedies for itchy dogs

    If the scratching persists for more than a week, or if it's coming back and getting worse, then talk to your vet to treat the underlying cause. Your dog may need some anti-biotics or a medicated flea treatment, that cannot be solved with home remedies. 

    But if the scratching is not very severe, and there are no open wounds, you can try these home remedies for immediate relief. You would already have most of these items in your kitchen, it's just a matter of whether your doggo likes long baths or not!

    7 Natural Home Remedies for Itchy Dogs:

    1) Apple Cider Vinegar:

    apple cider vinegar - home remedies for itchy dogs

    We all know the benefits of apple cider vinegar for our hair and skin, (and salad dressings!) but this magical ingredient works to soothe your itchy dogs as well. 

    Simply make a solution with 50% raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and 50% water and add it to a spray bottle for easy administering. Apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic, with antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. 

    However, do take extreme caution in spraying this solution on open sores or wounds. Spraying apple cider vinegar on broken skin can cause an intense burning sensation in your dogs. Only spray it on areas where there are no open sores or broken skin. 

    2) Oatmeal:

    oatmeal - home remedies for itch dogs

    Oatmeal is not just a healthy breakfast option, it also has healing properties for treating dry, itchy skin and eczema in humans. It is of no surprise that this works well for your dog's sensitive skin too!

    Grind about one or two cups of raw oatmeal to a fine powder. Fill your bathtub or a large bucket with water and let the ground oatmeal sit in the water for at least 15 minutes. Let your dog soak in this solution for a while, or pour this onto your dog's problem areas if your dog does not like soaking in baths. 

    You could also dip a washcloth in this solution and hold the cloth against your dog's skin if it gets difficult to bathe your dog. 

    An oatmeal bath is completely safe and non-toxic, in case your dog laps up this solution while bathing. No matter what the underlying cause of the itchiness is, the oatmeal will soothe your dog's skin. 

    3) Coconut Oil:

    coconut oil - home remedies for itch dogs

    The holy grail of natural remedies, for both pets and pet parents. The healing properties of this amazing ingredient may not be a surprise, as it's used in cooking, hair, and beauty products. Being anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, coconut oil provides immediate relief to your dog's itchy skin. 

    Simply scoop out some pure, cold-pressed, edible coconut oil (with no additives), rub it between your palms to warm it up, and massage it onto your dog's irritated skin. 

    Coconut oil is healthy and non-toxic, in case your dogs feel like having a taste. 

    4) Aloe Vera:

    aloe vera - home remedies for itch dogs

    A staple ingredient in most households, aloe vera has been known to treat skin burns and rashes. The same can be used for your dog's skin issues as well. 

    Most stores do sell 100% pure aloe vera gel, but you can also use the gel directly from the plant if you have one. Be careful not to use the skin or the rim of the plant as they are toxic to dogs. 

    If you are using store-bought gel, then ensure that the gel is 100% pure with no added alcohol or preservatives. These could further worsen your dog's skin condition. 

    5) Chamomile and Green Tea Soaks:

    chamomile and green tea - home remedies for itch dogs

    Chamomile and green tea are both well known for their soothing and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Fill a tub or a bucket with lukewarm water, and put in the chamomile and green tea bags (use enough for the entire tub of water). Let it steep for about 5 minutes, after which you can soak your dog in the tub. 

    If your dog is not a fan of soaking, simply steep a teabag in a cup of water and apply the tea directly onto itchy spots or rashes as a spot treatment. 

    6) Baking Soda:

    baking soda - home remedies for itch dogs

    Another staple ingredient of most households, baking soda is known for reducing inflammation, itching, and skin rashes. Making a paste with one part water and one part baking soda, and applying this paste to the affected area should give some relief to your dogs. Let it sit for around 20 minutes, before washing it off. 

    As an alternative, you could also add baking soda to a tub of water, allowing your dog to soak in the solution for a while. 

    7) Balanced diet:

    balanced diet- home remedies for itch dogs

    Just like you are what you eat, your dog is what your dog eats! Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, and a nutritious meal devoid of additives and preservatives can go a long way in reducing itchy skin and skin allergies. 

    Try swapping their usual protein with a different protein, or use grain-free diets. Many dogs are allergic to the chicken and lamb meals used to make commercial dog food. You could try adding in more fish or trying out a vegan diet for your dogs, and see if their skin condition improves. 

    Dealing with skin allergies and rashes in pets can be a challenging and frustrating experience for pet owners. While home remedies may provide temporary relief for milder cases, it is essential to seek professional help from a veterinarian to identify and address the root cause of the problem, and to ensure your pet's overall health and wellbeing. In this regard, Wagr's online pet doctors are an excellent option for concerned pet owners. With their team of experienced veterinarians available online, you can consult with them anytime, anywhere, and receive personalized and professional guidance regarding your pet's skin allergies and other health issues. Don't let your furry friend suffer in silence; try Wagr's online pet doctor today! 

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    By Dr. Prafulla Mishra


    Dr. Prafulla's early exposure to cattle ignited his passion for veterinary science. An award-winning top graduate, he's an advocate for pet adoption and brings a wealth of experience to every consultation. Fluent in English, Hindi, Punjabi, and Oriya, he specialises in dogs, cats, farm animals, and select exotics.

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