Confused About Online Vet Consultations? Here Are Some Pros and Cons - Wagr Petcare

    Confused About Online Vet Consultations? Here Are Some Pros and Cons

    Natasha’s cat Ginger is feeling uneasy late in the night, and Natasha wants to consult a vet right away. She’s anxious about her cat but is unsure if an online vet consultation will provide the same quality of care as an in-person meeting.

    Chaitanya is unable to book face-to-face vet consultations due to work commitments and the fact that he has to travel for a long time to meet a good doctor. His dog, Rocky’s appetite has suddenly reduced but is sceptical about consulting a vet online.

    Ever found yourself in a similar situation as a pet parent?

    If you said yes, then this post is just what you need. We weigh in here on the benefits and the disadvantages of online vet consultations to help you decide what’s best for your pet. 

    Why online vet consultations are great:

    Relaxed environment with better interaction

    online vet consultations

    Many pets get stressed when it’s time for a vet visit and is one of the most common reasons for delaying a visit to the vet. Behavioural changes might happen where they become irritable, clingy or nervous. With online consultation you can avoid all the unnecessary anxiety for you and your pet. Bonus point - you don’t need to worry about your pet urinating from stress in the car or at the clinic.

    Time-saving and convenient

    With online consultations you don’t have to commute long distances (especially if pets are experiencing problems late at night) to get your pets treated. You can also avoid long waiting times at the vet and going through the stress of having to manage a bored pet. Getting quality treatment during any time of the day from the comfort of your home is indeed one of the biggest benefits of online consultations.

    Location is immaterial

    Online vet consultation platforms give pet parents access to quality care from vets anywhere across India. If your vet is unavailable, you can connect with pet specialists based on reviews and recommendations. You no longer have to go through the hassle of calling up different clinics or visiting different ones to check for availability. At Wagr, for instance, we make it very easy for you to choose from highly qualified, certified vets across India right from your phone.

    Online consultations are best complemented with face-to-face visits

    One of the biggest issues with online consultations is the inability to do physical examinations. You need to be precise and specific in describing the symptoms for the vet to gauge the severity of the condition. Initial impressions might be limiting to the diagnosis and pet parents can sometimes go wrong in interpreting symptoms.

    The bottom line is that consulting a online pet doctor has strong benefits and are a boon particularly during a time like the pandemic when movement is restricted. It’s great when you want to ease your anxiety and provide instant relief. We say, go for it.

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